Thursday, October 4, 2018

NC's Mail Ballots as of 10-4-18

Updated with new analysis of voters who didn't vote in 2014 but have requested mail absentee ballots in 2018 (see below):

The latest numbers of North Carolina absentee by mail ballot requests, sent, and returned & accepted, along with various breakdowns/analyses by party registration, gender, region, and other aspects are below--these were tweeted out at @oldnorthstpol:

Requested as of 10-3-18 (reported 10-4-18): 35,209

Sent: 34,606 (98% of requested)

Returned and Accepted: 2,962 (8.4% of requested)

Breakdowns by party registration:

Percentages of accepted within party registration to requested absentee mail ballots:

Breakdowns by generational cohorts:

Breakdown of generational cohorts by party registration:

Comparison to same day totals for requested absentee mail ballots to 2014 by party registration:

Comparison to same day totals for accepted absentee mail ballots to 2014 by party registration:

Voters who have requested a 2018 absentee mail-in ballot and what their status was in 2014's general election (voted in 2014 and how, registered but didn't vote in 2014, registered in 2015-17 or 2018):

And by party registration:

Analysis by gender for requested absentee mail ballots by party registration:

And gender by 'region' of North Carolina:

Analysis by congressional districts for requested absentee mail ballots by party registration:

And in looking at those voters who didn't vote in 2014 but have requested a 2018 absentee mail ballot in different categories--those registered in 2014 but didn't vote in 2014; those registered in 2015-17; and those registered in 2018: