Tuesday, October 9, 2018

NC Mail Absentee Ballots as of 10-9-18

NC's mail absentee ballots, through Monday, Oct. 8 (data as of 10-9-18):

Requested: 48,623 Sent: 47,944 (98.6% of requested) Returned & Accepted: 4,850 (10% of requested) And by party registration for requested, sent, & accepted:

4 weeks left until Election Day, comparison between 2018 (10-9) in NC absentee mail ballots requested & those returned & accepted compared to 2014’s final :

2018 requested so far: 47% of 2014’s total requested
2018 accepted so far: 6% of 2014's total accepted

NC’s mail absentee ballots requested through 10-8-18 by: generational cohorts (see here for age ranges: ) party registration within each cohort % of generation cohort in voter registration pool to requested ballots %:

NC’s mail absentee ballots requested through 10-8-18 by congressional districts, with top 4 districts by % of total requested ballots: : 14% : 12% : 10% : 9.8% By party registration % within each congressional district:

NC’s mail absentee ballots requested through 10-8-18 by voter's 2014 vote method or year of registration: Note that a plurality of 2018's mail absentee requested voters were registered before/in 2014 but didn't vote in 2014's general election:

NC’s mail absentee ballots requested through 10-8-18 by voter's 2014 vote method or year of registration by party registration of the voter, as well as within each party registration:

NC’s mail absentee ballots requested through 10-8-18 by gender and party registration: Female voters: 56% of all requested ballots Male voters: 42% of all requested ballots 51% continues the high for registered Democratic women

NC’s mail absentee ballots requested through 10-8-18 by gender and ‘region’ within the state, and by party registration:

Comparison between 2014 and 2018 NC mail absentee ballot requests, by party registration, based on the number of days out from Election Day. Will be important to watch how this trend continues over time, but traditionally GOP leads in mail absentee ballots:

And differences (both percentage & raw ) in NC mail absentee ballot requests between 2014 to 2018 by voter party registration:

And the comparison & differences in NC mail absentee ballots returned & accepted between 2014 and 2018 by voter party registration, as of 10-8:

And by percentage of requested ballots that have been returned and accepted so far, by party registration: