Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Updated PVIs for proposed NC House & Senate districts

Since we're now on the 4th version of a redistricting map for the N.C. House and a 2nd version for the N.C. Senate, I thought it might be helpful to update the Partisan Voting Indices for the new proposed districts.

  • PVI's for NC House (Lewis-Dollar-Dockham 4) here. In a nutshell, potential Likely/Lean Republican districts at 75, Likely/Lean Democratic districts at 36, leaving a total of 9 districts as potential "toss-up" districts. Here's a map of the districts sorted by Likely/Lean/Toss-up categories (see the below blog entry for a description of this approach).

  • PVI's for NC Senate (Rucho 2) here. In a nutshell, potential Likely/Lean Republican districts at 31, Likely/Lean Democratic districts at 16, leaving at total of 3 districts as potential "toss-up" districts. Here's a map of the districts sorted by Likely/Lean/Toss-up categories.