Over 170,000 North Carolinians have requested absentee by mail-in ballots so far (as of 10-19-16), with almost 50,000 of them returned (48,981).
Of the requested ballots, 40 percent are from registered Republicans, 31 percent from registered Democrats, 28 percent from registered unaffiliated voters, and less than one percent from registered Libertarians.
The racial composition of the requested ballots still show a predominance of white voters:
In comparison to the same day totals from 2012's mail-in balloting, the total number is slightly ahead, but breaking it down by party registration shows some distinct differences.
However, registered Republicans are 81 percent of where they were four years ago on this same day, while registered Democrats and unaffiliated voters are 117 and 138 percent of where they both were, respectively, in 2012's same-day totals.
Among the nearly 50,000 returned and accepted ballots:
Registered Republicans are 39 percent, registered Democrats are 35 percent, and registered unaffiliated voters are 25 percent. The return and acceptance rate is current 33 percent for Democrats, 28 percent for Republicans, and 26 percent for unaffiliated voters.
In comparison to the same day totals from four years ago:
The total returned and accepted ballots rate is 78 percent in comparison to four years ago, with registered unaffiliated voters at 107 to their same day totals from 2012, registered Democrats at 101, and registered Republicans at 57 percent.
Of the outstanding ballots remaining:
Finally, I looked at 2016 mail-in voters and if they voted and how they voted if they did: