This posting appears at WFAE's The Party Line--the graphics have been included here.
With the Republican-dominated North Carolina General
Assembly nearing the end of its long session, many observers have taken to
characterizing the legislature’s work under unified GOP control.
For left-leaning groups, the legislature’s treatment of
minorities, the poor, education, and environmental protections have lead some
leaders to describe
the Republican-controlled state government as “Robin Hood in reverse.”
Other observers outside of the Tar Heel state have described
the “unimpeded GOP” as driving the “state hard to the right.”
Republicans would contend, as Governor Pat McCrory noted in
a number of media
recently, that they are implementing what they had campaigned in 2012 on, while
seeking to put their stamp on state policies.
But putting aside the partisan characterization on both
sides, is there a way to independently analyze where both political parties,
particularly in the legislature, are on an ideological spectrum?
In some new research on American state legislatures, two political scientists have used
a dataset of roll call votes to scale the two majority parties in each state to
place them on an ideological continuum.
This research mirrors the research
on the U.S. Congress that lines up members of Congress in terms of most liberal
to most conservative, most notably based on roll call voting on economic
Using roll call votes from 1996 to 2010, the state
legislative ideological scores indicate where the two parties have aligned
themselves in the fifty state assemblies, from most liberal to most
If using zero as “moderate,” a score moving towards +1 would
indicate a more conservative legislative party, while a movement towards -1
would indicate a more liberal bent to the legislative party.
As depicted in the below graph for the House conferences and
Senate caucuses in the North Carolina General Assembly, the Republican Senate
caucus has been the most conservative group in the state legislature since
State Republican senators have ranged consistently in the
more conservative end of the spectrum, with their Republican breathren in the
NC House have been moving more and more conservative in their orientation.
Among the Democrats in the legislature, the House conference
has remained consistent in its moderate-to-liberal leanings, while the Senate
caucus has moved, in recent times, from being more liberal towards a more
moderate stance.
But what does this tell us about whether the North Carolina
legislative parties are more “hard right” or “hard left”? One way to approach this is to compare the
parties to the other Southern states.
When comparing each N.C. party in each chamber to other
parties in their respective chambers, two interesting patterns emerge.
Among the lower chambers from 1996-2010, North Carolina’s
GOP conference started out in a fairly “moderate” scoring, being grouped with
such states as Tennessee, Virginia, and Florida.
But like our neighboring state to the west, N.C.’s GOP
conference has moved more conservative, almost landing in between the moderate
states and the more conservative states of Texas and Alabama, for example.
The second interesting pattern was among Democrats in the
senate (upper) chambers.
Three distinct groupings appear in over the 1996-2010 time
period: a grouping of fairly moderate Democratic caucuses (Louisiana to
Alabama, though most all have moved more liberal in the past few years); a
second grouping of South Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia; and a third and
distinctly more liberal grouping of Virginia, Florida, and North Carolina.
For the year 2008 (the most recent with all the Southern
states represented), North Carolina’s Democratic House delegation ranked as the
fifth most liberal among the Southern states, behind Florida, Texas, Virginia
and Georgia, while the Republican House conference was eighth most conservative
in the region.
In the upper chambers, North Carolina’s Democratic Senate caucus
tied for the second most liberal group, with Florida being the most liberal for
its respective Democratic senators.
Conversely, the North Carolina Republican senate caucus was the fifth
most conservative, being bested by the GOP senate conferences in Alabama,
Arkansas, Mississippi, and Texas.
Many political pundits have also questioned the relative
“conservatism” of the GOP in both the House and Senate, usually by making the
guess (based on ancedotal evidence and “gut-sense”) that the upper chamber is
more conservative than their counterparts in the lower chamber.
It would appear, at least from the historic trend lines
before the GOP took over both chambers in 2011, that this analysis would be accurate,
but only time will truly tell when it comes analyzing this year’s legislative
While the political scientists are still working to
incorporate the 2011-2012 legislative voting records into their dataset, it
will be important to watch what happens when the new scores reflect the GOP
take-over from the 2010 elections.